Monday 17 October 2011

After pitching our film and sample scene to an audience we thought this would be the right time for another team meeting to reflect on the feedback received from the audience to help us gain greater knowledge and improve on anything that we can maximising the potential of our film. 

us beginning to use garage band 
As you saw from the video of our pitch we produced a short presentation consisting of a short sample scene, explanation of our story board and proposal using handouts and the interactive white board.  Firstly we gave the class a quick summary of the proposal, explaining the plot, the cost, and locations we had in mind for our film. We then presented our story board to the audience allowing them to gain an greater insight to our idea and to understand the different camera angles, lightening and sound that we plan to use.

We received a range of feedback from positives too crictisms. After the presentation myself and Ciara watched the presentation back to gain a full understanding of the feedback and so we could decide on how to over come certain crictisms. The audience commented on the lack of sound in our sample scene and gave us the ide of using atmospheric quiet music when the characters are being watched to add tension and to create more drama. To correct this lack of sound Ciara and I began researching examples of horror sound effects on youtube and began experimenting different sound effects such as pouring rain, slamming doors and screams using garage band.

When first planning our film myself and Ciara had the idea to shoot the writing on the wall scene using a chromakey suit so it looked like the pen was moving by itself. However this idea turned out to be unsuccessful due to the lack of technology and knowlegde of using chromakey. The audience was made aware of this step back and gave us the idea  of taking indiviual shots of each letter of the word "beware" then adding them together to create a disjointed, jiggered animation. 

Although we did received some criticisms of our idea and sample scene overall I was very happy with the comments our sample scene received and I found the feedback extremely helpful as it helped us develop our ideas and see our film from a different perspective. I look forward to filming our actual film know and I will follow all the advice given to us to the best of my ability to ensure the quality of our film is improved. 

The Exorcist piano soundtrack was one of the youtube videos we researched for inspiration for dramatic atmospheric music to add tension. 

The slow build up of the same notes is something we will try to replicate when creating our film.