Sunday 6 May 2012

Here is the full final edited version of our film.

We uploaded our film on social networking and new media websites such as Viemo and Facebook. We received a lot of positive criticism as well as some negative.

For example people loved the use of the 'rec' sign to symbolise that we were filming a home video as this added a sense of realism and allowed the audience to relate with our film. However quite a few negative  comments about the ending of the film was said we decided to use a open narrative allowing the audience to make there own decision on how the film ended. However it was said that people would have preferred if we showed a definite ending or at least an image of Beth screaming similar to the one we used on the poster instead of the static video tape clip which we believe added a sense of realism. 

One of the big changes from our first film to our second was the use of narrative throughout the film, when we pitched our film idea to a group of media students they gave us the idea of using music to help tell the narrative we planned to use this idea for our film until we began to edit the film. We planned to use music to show time passing by and to convey the horror genre however when adding music to our film we believed it destroyed the realistic style of the film and didnt match with the idea of a 'home video' so instead we used Ciara's voice as a personal reflection of the events which added to the realistic horror as the film was now portrayed as past memory as the first shot the viewer sees is a closeup of Ciara's face which automatically engages the audience and creates a personal response. 

I hope you enjoy the film as much as we did making it.